Sleep & Coronavirus: A Silver Lining In A Dark Cloud?
The coronavirus has upended almost all aspects of daily life for almost everyone. This is perhaps most strongly evident for the millions of school children who are now learning from home.
Tips To Support You As You Work From Home
If possible, Well Living Lab experts encourage you to create a workspace at home during COVID-19 pandemic that has sounds or quiet to your liking and that is not distracting and has windows so you can look outside, with shading as needed to avoid glare on your computer screen.
Filling Your Home With News
Just as what you put in your mouth affects your health and well-being, so does what you put into your home environment, even the news you are consuming on TV and your devices that fill your home with messages.
Stress Reduction Considerations while you spend more time at home
It’s normal to have anxiety, fear and stress during this unsettling time of a COVID-19 pandemic. What we consume in the media, what we hear from friends and family and what we experience as we stay inside our homes or apartments for long periods of time all contribute to our personal responses.