Tips To Support You As You Work From Home

If possible, Well Living Lab experts encourage you to create a workspace at home during COVID-19 pandemic that has sounds or quiet to your liking and that is not distracting and has windows so you can look outside, with shading as needed to avoid glare on your computer screen. These practical tips can be stress reducers while you spend more time indoors and working from home. They come from a study we recently conducted that showed daylight and views can support your cognitive health in a working environment.

In our studies, we’ve found that stress can be compounded or reduced by the thermal conditions and the light in your home. Take time to make the place where you are spending your time during this pandemic as comfortable as possible. Well Living Lab researchers advise that comfort isn’t trivial. It can lift your spirits and reduce stress. We found for instance, that being in uncomfortable environmental conditions in an office often caused people to be less happy, less energetic, more distracted and as a result, day-to-day life required more energy. Translate that to the places you have set up as home workspaces to help you through these unprecedented times.


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