Meng Kong, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Building Science, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
“The fundamental motivation for my research is to develop methods and technologies for creating a cost-efficient, healthy, comfortable, productive, creative, and sustainable living and working environment for human beings, which is exactly what the Well Living Lab continuously supports.”
Meng Kong, Ph.D. has more than 10 years of research experience in built environmental and energy systems. He earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Syracuse University and then worked as a postdoc and research assistant professor for two years at Syracuse University. His Ph.D. work focused on developing a micro-environmental control system (µX) for improving thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and building energy efficiency.
Along the lines of human and building interaction, he worked on occupancy behavior-based building system control and also led or co-led research projects on indoor and outdoor air quality control, including ventilation for commercial kitchens, ultrafine particles monitoring in the urban area, and airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
Dr. Kong has also published technical and scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and major conferences and co-managed the Building Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory. He is a current ASHRAE Associate Member and serving on several ASHRAE Technical Committees, such as Kitchen Ventilation and Physiology & Human Environment, and Health in Building Roundtable (HiBR).