Innovative Built and Regenerative Environments for Advancing Timeless Habitability and Equity (I-BREATHE) Initiative
What we are proposing to study:
How new technologies and techniques can actively remove harmful pollutants within indoor environments and their downstream impact occupant health and well-being. We are participating as a core member in drafting a large National Science Foundation grant proposal, I-BREATHE, to fund joint research between the parties listed over a 10-year time period.
Why it matters:
Individuals spend most of their time indoors. Therefore, combining skill sets and resources from academia and industry to develop and test technology and techniques that can effectively remove these pollutants is critical to improve occupant health and well-being, particularly in buildings located within underserved communities.
Letter of Intent Development and Submission: Mar. 2022 – Oct. 2022
Full Proposal Development and Submission: Nov. 2022 – Mar. 2023