Clinician Burnout
What we are studying:
Whether relaxation rooms effectively reduce burnout and workplace stress while improving job satisfaction for Mayo Clinic physicians.
Why it matters:
Burnout is significantly more likely for physicians compared to the general working population in the United States (Shanafelt et al. 2019). Physician burnout has adverse consequences on the quality and safety of patient care. Additionally, a 2019 analysis estimated that physician turnover and reduced clinical hours due to burnout costs the U.S. $4.6 billion dollars annually (Han et al. 2019). Determining whether relaxation rooms are effective at mitigating the adverse effects of burnout and workplace stress could provide healthcare organizations with more impactful interventions that benefit employee health and well-being.
Study Planning: Apr. 2021 – End of Dec. 2021
Study in Progress: Start of Jan. 2022 – End of Oct. 2023